Is it time to Spring clean your office?
If heading back to the office fills you with dread, maybe it is time for a Spring clean. Research shows that a well-designed, clean working environment can increase productivity by up to 20%.
So, if your paperwork is overflowing and you are struggling to find desk space for files and stationery, we have pulled together a few tips for getting your office back on track - helping to create a more efficient, happy and ultimately productive workspace.

1. Look at the big picture
We all get bogged down with the day to day, but often it’s only by stepping back and reviewing how things are working that we can make the most impactful changes. Take some time to review your procurement process in the office. You might find that you can streamline the effectiveness, eliminate costly procedures and discover smarter spending solutions by just simply relooking at how the office is run.
2. Be innovative with storage
Although space is finite in any office, if you’re growing bigger than your square footage seems to allow, consider how to use your space to create storage that works. There are always innovative ways or useful products that can make best use of whatever space you have. Look at adding in additional drawers or cabinets to store away items so that desks can stay tidier and you create a feeling of space in the office.

3. Give it a home
Give every item you use its own place on your desk or in your office. This can seem pretty obvious, but your pen, stapler or pair of scissors can easily go missing if you don’t know exactly where they’re supposed to belong, and it’s the small things we often overlook. Looking for missing files, stationery or notepads are also the biggest time wasters leaving you less time to get on with what you should be doing and adding to stress levels.
4. Ordering simplified
How often do you order stationery? Is it every few weeks or months, or do you base it on fluctuating stock levels? Simplifying how often you order and how many invoices and deliveries you get could not only help you improve cashflow, but could also take you less time to manage. LG Davis provide one handy bill all their services to make it easier for you and also offer a specialist stock and deliver service. This means you can order in bulk, to benefit from cost savings, then we store your products and deliver them as and when you require. Find out more by calling the sales team on 0121 430 9000.

5. Spring clean your desk it might be dirtier than you think!
It’s true. Recent studies have shown that the average desk is dirtier than the average toilet. Think about it. You’re there all day, perhaps eat there and drink there, and dust and dirt soon piles up. Having cleaning products readily available in the office and encouraging staff to use them as they need could keep areas that bit cleaner and reduce the chance of spreading infections.
If you are looking for more tips and tricks to get your office running smoothly then download our free eBook “60 Top Tips For Office, Branding and Print”.
Created to celebrate our 60th anniversary it is full of lots of useful information for everything from stationery, branded merchandise and workwear, to online ordering, print and office furniture.
Make sure your business is running efficiently and you are getting the most out of your printing and office supplies with this handy guide.