Why Print Is Very Much Alive And How The Content Makes All The Difference!

There is still a massive need for print especially if you have a business that is content driven, and you want to let your prospects know what you do.
Over the next few weeks we’re going to be talking about some of the steps and processes you’ll need to consider when creating a print publication that’ll get your prospects to take action.
Each step will provide you with insightful information on how to make the RIGHT choices when it comes to making your print stand out and your message resonate.
Content is still King
Today, we’re going to be taking a closer look at written content and copy within your printed media.
Written content has changed over the years that’s for sure, living in the digital age we’ve gotten used to short copy and while that’s great it can also mean that in certain pieces of copy we leave out crucial bits of information.
That’s why writing for print (depending on the type) can be beneficial in more ways than one, it’s a chance to showcase what you’re about in more detail.
You see, written content in a well-crafted physical piece of marketing collateral will genuinely get read by people who want your specific information, so there’s a good chance that it will get read more often than not.
Writing copy for print is a real art
Usually business’ hire professional ad writers or copywriters. However, if you can’t afford to do that and are a small business owner managing all the content yourself then we’re going to give you some practical advice to consider;
Firstly, you’ll need to choose the type of marketing collateral you need; flyer, catalogue, brochure, leaflet, booklet etc.
You might need all of them but decide what is the objective of each piece and write the copy according to the role it will play in your marketing mix.
For instance, an A5 leaflet that you might post or hand out needs to be more to the point and punchier with your benefits than a larger leaflet or booklet with more pages.
The Bare Necessities you need to include in all your copy
So, you’ve chosen what sort of tool you need now you need to write it. Here’s a checklist of the most important parts of any literature or sales copy that you should include in all your collateral.
A Truly Compelling Headline
Seriously, you should spend as much time (if not longer) on your headline than on all the other copy put together.
Think about it, when you scan a newspaper, when you read a great headline you’ll read more – ‘Freddie Starr Ate My Hamster’ was a classic in the SUN newspaper and newspapers sell on headlines – so will your marketing material!

Whatever you choose you want it to be strong, easy to read and understand and to the point. You want something compelling that makes the reader want to continue to see what you’re all about. Words entice readers to continue, so make sure it’s BIG, Bold and creative.
WARNING: Don’t even consider plastering your logo at the top of your page. No one gives a monkeys about your logo! The headline is what will capture your prospects. Add your logo to the bottom somewhere with your other details. An Interesting Subheading
Use a subheading as an extension to the main heading to explain a bit more about why the reader should continue to the next bit of your copy.
This allows you to be more outrageous with your headline to get your audience’s attention.
Use Bullets for massive impact
Just because you’ve got space doesn’t mean you need to fill it with hundreds of words. Remember people skim read so use bullet points to highlight your real big benefits
Too many words can deter the reader from reading any of your leaflet or flyer – it’s a big mistake – don’t make it!
Don’t get hung up on ‘proper writing’
In a larger piece like booklets and brochures then it’s cool to use more words but there’s a couple of rules you need to adhere to:
Write the copy as you’d speak it! Literally type what you’re thinking and don’t over complicate the wording or the grammar. It’ll sound too false and just like everyone else’s marketing if you do.
Tell a story and use lots of examples so the reader really gets what you’re saying. Pretend Homer Simpson is your reader! If he understands it, then everyone will.

They don’t really care what you say!
Well that’s not quite true, BUT it’s far better for someone else to say how great you are than you blowing your own trumpet.
So, use lots of testimonials and case studies in all your marketing copy.
What’s in it for me?
This is not always applicable to all printed products but for a flyer or leaflet, using an offer will increase the response tenfold.
Tips for a good offer:
Add value and don’t dilute your quality product or service
Have a deadline to drive quick response
Only applicable for first 20 to reply, that sort of thing.
Awesome – what do I do next?
Use a crystal-clear Call To Action
Tell the reader what their next step is and how to make it – quickly!
So, it could be; call the following number, email this address, go to this URL.
Whatever it is, tell them in BIG Bold text, maybe on more than one occasion.
Have Some Fun
Your reader is a person just like you. They’ll read interesting stories and enjoy a laugh, just like you.
So, treat them like you and a friend not a prospect. You want them to get to know you, like you and trust you.
Be yourself and be bold!
If you need any help...
OK, so there's some real valuable information to help you start your journey as a copywriter! If you still need a hand or would like to talk to one of our team, please give us a call on 0121 430 9000.